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What about Nature? How packaging decisions and materials depend and impact Nature

13 Nov 2024
Nature, including biodiversity and water, has become a focal point in sustainable management today. Following the focus on carbon, leading companies are now exploring how their business operations and supply chains impact and depend on natural resources. Frameworks such as the Taskforce for Nature-related Disclosure (TNFD) and Science-Based Targets for Nature (SBTN) have been developed to guide companies through the complexities of managing their environmental impact. Anthesis is at the forefront of supporting early adopters of TNFD and pilot companies implementing SBTN. Many of these companies identify packaging as a critical area impacting water use, water pollution, and biodiversity. In this presentation, we will share our approach to addressing these challenges, providing insights and strategies for companies eager to enhance their sustainability efforts and navigate the intricate landscape of nature-related issues. Join us to learn how to effectively integrate nature-focused frameworks into your business practices and drive positive environmental outcomes. In this context, this session will explore: • Basic Nature topics • The TNFD and SBTN frameworks • First pilot projects and how the industry can get involved 
Tim Mollenhauer, Senior Environmental Consultant - Anthesis Group

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